About us

The Cambridge University Heraldic and Genealogical Society was formed as the result of the merger in 1957 of a previous society of the same name (founded 1950) with the Cambridge University Society of Genealogists (founded 1954).

Four speaker meetings are held in each of the Michaelmas and Lent terms and a ninth at the beginning of the Easter term. These are in the general area of heraldry and genealogy but also include cognate subjects such as ceremonial dress, tartan, local history, customs, military medals or indeed anything of an antiquarian nature.

There are usually two outings each year — one in Michaelmas and one in Lent — to places of interest of heraldic and genealogical interest. In recent years, the Society has visited the College of Arms, the Society of Genealogists and various cathedrals, museums and record offices.

There is one large dinner each term with the Annual Dinner (in the Lent term) attracting up to 70 diners — many being non-resident members who make a special attempt to attend this occasion. There is also a garden party in the Easter term.

The Society is a very friendly one and many people who meet new friends here stay in touch with them long after graduating. Some members have gone on to work in the world of heraldry and genealogy (including two heralds at the College of Arms). Since 1958, the Society has had a Society tie showing the heraldic fur called pean (yellow ermine spots on black).

Arms were granted to the Society in 2007.

The Society was the subject of a short article in the November 2004 issue of Family Tree Magazine (page 37).


The Society welcomes applications for membership from junior members of the University, senior members of the University (both resident and non-resident), and from non-members.

The current subscription is £10 per annum, for members in statu pupillari £5 and for overseas members £15.

Contacting C.U.H.&G.S.

If you have questions about membership or about our events, please contact the Secretary.

The Society is temporarily offering a genealogical research service in return for a fee. For details see here.

We will happily try to answer (for free) certain simple local questions e.g. ‘What is the coat of arms of XYZ College, Cambridge?’. It may also be worth consulting our list of Frequently Asked Questions and our extensive collection of links to other sites.

The site Heraldica carries a list of Common Questions About Heraldry (plus the much dreaded Most Frequently Asked Question). A good place to pose genealogical questions is probably a suitable genealogical newsgroup.

The C.U.H.&G.S. Database

The Society has recently begun a database of genealogy and heraldry, to which you can contribute. We hope that you find the resource interesting and useful, and that you may consider becoming a contributor.

Further Information

Cambridge University Heraldic and Genealogical Society
Last updated St. Godeberta, 2018